圣十字教堂.S.C.),由拉丁语翻译而来,意思是 圣十字会. 为什么是“圣十字”?? In French, it is Sainte Croix, the small French town outside Le Mans where 牧师. 巴兹尔·莫罗,C.S.C., founded a community of Roman Catholic priests and brothers in 1837 to minister to and educate the people of France devastated by the French 牧师olution.

The Cross soon became an integral part of the 会众’s spirituality. Fr. Moreau exhorted his religious to conform themselves to Christ by trusting in Divine Providence. He encouraged them to find hope in the Cross of self-emptying love, to stand by others as the Mother of Sorrows stood by her son. 出于这个原因, he dedicated the entire 会众 to Our Lady of Sorrows, 称她为守护神. 教会的座右铭是圣歌, spe Unica, 意思是“向十字架欢呼”, Our Only Hope”—calling on the community to “learn how even the Cross can be borne as a gift” and to bring this hope to others.

Fr. Moreau envisioned his young 会众 as a family brought together in Eucharistic fellowship united in a common mission to educate and evangelize. This missionary zeal “to make God known, 爱, and served” is why Fr. Moreau, just five years after founding the 会众, sent six brothers and a young 牧师. 爱德华·索林,C.S.C.到“新世界”.“这, 当然, led to the establishment of the 会众’s first educational institution in America and one of the world’s most renowned Catholic higher education institutions—the 电竞赌博平台.

Fr. Moreau called on his priests and brothers to be “educators in the faith,在教育中, 教区, 任务设置 会众 会很快在世界各地建立起来吗.

“We shall always place education side by side with instruction; the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart. 同时为社会培养有用的公民, we shall likewise do our utmost to prepare citizens for heaven.”

牧师. 巴兹尔·莫罗,C.S.C.1849年第36号通函

从教会成立之初, Holy Cross priests and brothers have always lived side by side with students, demonstrating the rewards of living a faith-filled life. Fr. Sorin established this model at 电竞赌博平台 and it lies at the heart of the student experience. Whether it’s lending a listening ear after an evening residence hall Mass, 讲授课程, 或在大学担任其他职务, the priests and brothers of Holy Cross are living out Fr. 莫罗今天的愿景, 175年后, "使神为人所知, 爱, 并“以使徒的热忱”服事, bringing hope to the entire 电竞赌博平台 community and beyond!



The founder of the 圣十字会, Basile-Antoine Marie Moreau (巴兹尔·安东尼·玛丽·莫罗英文版) was born in Laigné-en-Belin, in the diocese of Le Mans, France, on February 11, 1799. He was ordained in 1821 as a priest for the Diocese of Le Mans. 1837年3月1日,Fr. Moreau merged a group of auxiliary priests and teaching brothers, 组成了圣十字会. Fr. 男人的愿景 of a Holy Family was complete when he brought sisters into the 会众. Although the sisters eventually formed their own congregation, Fr. Moreau is still honored as the founder by the spiritual descendants of these women, 他们在法国被称为玛丽安人, 在加拿大被称为圣十字修女会, and in the United States as the Sisters of the Holy Cross. This latter group established Saint Mary’s College in 电竞赌博平台, 印第安纳州.

Fr. 莫罗于1873年1月20日在勒芒去世. 2007年9月15日, Fr. 莫罗受到了祝福 in Le Mans, the home of the 会众’s Mother Church and the sacred place where he is buried. The entire 会众 worldwide and the 电竞赌博平台 celebrate the life of Blessed Moreau on January 20 every year.

United States Province of Priests and Brothers

The 圣十字会 includes about 1,200 religious around the world. 美国nited States Province of Priests and Brothers 总部设在电竞赌博平台, 印第安纳州, and its membership includes approximately 500 men, 包括那些信息. 美国.S. 省有教育、教区和教会 部门 分布在三大洲七个国家.


Along with the 电竞赌博平台, Holy Cross, U.S. Province priests and brothers are educators in the faith at three other colleges and universities:

  • 波特兰大学(俄勒冈州,1901年)
  • 国王学院(宾夕法尼亚州,1946年)
  • 斯通希尔学院(马萨诸塞州,1948年)


The Province has 13 教区es in the United States: Arizona, 科罗拉多州, 佛罗里达, 印第安纳州(5), 麻萨诸塞州, 俄勒冈州(2), 德州, 佛蒙特州. 圣心教区 was founded together with the 电竞赌博平台 in 1842.


The 省的 部门 include providing services for the working poor and homeless at André House in Phoenix and 圣安德烈·罗·贝塞特 Catholic Church in Portland, 俄勒冈州. Holy Cross spreads the word of God through Ave Maria Press (电竞赌博平台, 印第安纳州), one of the country’s oldest Catholic publishing houses, and the multimedia and spiritual 部门 of Holy Cross Family Ministries (North Easton, 麻萨诸塞州), 包括家庭剧院制作公司, 家庭的念珠, 和佩顿神父家庭学院.


忠实于Fr. 男人的愿景, the United States 省的 mission work spreads beyond the geographical boundaries of North America. International mission work reaches into Chile, 东非(乌干达), 肯尼亚, 坦桑尼亚), 和秘鲁, 以及msamuxico地区. 在全球范围内,美国.S. 省的 圣十字传教中心 supports the international mission work of the worldwide efforts of the 圣十字会, 横跨五大洲16个国家. It also directly supports those international locations for which the U.S. Province has direct jurisdiction and those countries with which the U.S. 省有特殊的关系. 



The 圣十字会 joyously celebrated the canonization of its first saint, Br. 安德鲁·贝塞特,C.S.C., 10月. 2010年11月17日,教皇本笃十六世. Br. André started as a humble doorkeeper at the College of 电竞赌博平台 in Montreal, 加拿大, but became known to the world as the “Miracle Worker of Montreal” for devoting his life to prayer, 事奉主, 安慰生病的人. 通过他对圣. 约瑟,许多人领受了神医治的能力. 节日的圣. André is celebrated in the United States on January 6.